Women: A Day for You! will be presented at Solon High School on Saturday, March 7, 1981 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., sponsored by The Solon Junior Women's Club in cooperation with Cuyahoga Community College. A combination of seminars and workshops, the conference will include such topics as career campaigning, coping with crisis, selfimage, personal finance, problems of the older woman, and dealing with old fictions and new facts. The fee is $8.00, which includes a box lunch. For registration or 'further information, call 248-8291, 248-1996, or 248-5545.

Women in Appointed Office Project is a new program initiated by the Cuyahoga Women's Political Caucus and administered by WomenSpace. Its objective is to draw women into public decision-making through appointive office in Cuyahoga County. A long-term objective is to explore corporate, state and federal appointments for qualified women. Send your resume to be filed in the talent bank. A "Public Service Interest" questionnaire will be sent to you to discover your interests and qualifications. Also, encourage other women to submit resumes and develop their potential for public office. For questionnaire and information, call Connie Kobalka, Project Director, 696-6967.


CCC's WomenFocus remaining winter workshops are: Women Making it on Their Own at the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library, Friday, March 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and Financial Independence for Women Alone at Independence Library, Saturday, March 28, from 10a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information on workshops and noncredit seminars offered through the WomenFocus program, contact Leslie R. Resnik, at 241-5966, ext. 4694.


Women's Action Collective, a radical feminist organization founded in Columbus, Ohio, is planning a regional conference to include workshops, speakers, entertainment and dancing. The workshops will cover a variety of issues, including insuring continued growth of the women's movement, developing tactics and strategies to deal with the reactionary right, and structuring a regional grass-roots feminist network. The conference will take place in Columbus the weekend of February 27-28 and March 1. The cost per woman will be no more than $15.00. For information write Women's Action Collective, 127 E. Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201, or call (614) 291-7756.

Prophets, Apostles and Founders: Women of the Early Church is a threeday meeting at Grailville March 6-8, featuring Dr. Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame University. Resident cost of the complete weekend is $65; non-resident is $55. For more information and reservations contact Elizabeth McGee, Grailville, Loveland, OH ⚫45410.

Guns or Butter Conference-The Exploding Mary Budget-Who Loses? will be held Friday evening, March 13, and all day Saturday, March 14, at the Moot Court Room of the Cleveland State University Law School, 18th and Euclid. Organized by the American Friends Service Committee with co-sponsorship by more than 30 other groups and individuals, the conference will feature speakers William Winpisinger, President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; Marion Anderson, Director of Employment Research Associates; James Anderson, Professor at Michigan State University; and Randall Forsberg, Diractor of the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies. Local panelists will include Bishop John Burt of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, Auxillary Bishop James Lyke of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, and many more. Register in advance; there is no registration fee. For information, call Wolling Hall, 231-4245.

Wee Mimi Surviving, a gathering of nymphs, maldens and crones, is :sponsoring a wimmin's spirituality conference at the University of Cincinnati on March 20-22. Z. Budapest will be presenting her slide show, "Z. Budapest-Storyteller of the Goddess," on Saturday afternoon. Friday evening there will be a keynote speech, registration, snacks. Sunday afternon we'll share a ritual celebration. Register as early as possible since there is limited housing available. Childcare will be provided but we must know in advance what your needs are. If you are Interested in selling crafts, contact us by February 26. Registration lees are $13 for a participant, $15 for a supporter and $20 for a contributor if postmarked by February 28: $17 for a participant, $19 for a supporter and $25 for a contributor after March 1. Make checks payable to Wise Wimmin, and send to Wise Wimmin, c/o L.A.B., P.O. Box 1485, Cincinnati, OH 45201, or call (513) 751-4479.



On Saturday, May 2, 1981, Education for Freedom of Choice in Ohie (EF-CO) and the Consilien for Lober Union Women (CLUW) are co-sponsoring a conference on Health Issues and Labor Women. The conference, to be held at the Hollenden House, E. 6th & Superior, will include sessions on reproductive health and hazards in the workplace, job safety, nuclear power and how to organize a women's committee in your local.

Joyce Miller; first woman appointed to a vice presidency in the AFLCIO, and Eula Bingham of OSHA have been invited to address the conference. If you have suggestions for topics, of interest, please contact Christine Link at EFCO, 621-8224.


The Third University of Kentucky Women Writers Conference will be held in Lexington, KY, April 1-4, 1981, with Marge Piercy, Adrienne Rich, and others. For more information contact Linda Pannill, Department of English, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506. This conference is funded by the Kentucky Arts Commission, the Kentucky Humanities Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the University of Kentucky.

The First National Congress on Women in Music will take place at New York University, March 26-29, 1981. The conference, devoted entirely to women in music, combines performance with the presentation of scholarly papers, panel discussions and workshops. The 4-day meeting will emphasize both historical and contemporary accomplishments of women in music and explore directions for future activities.

Performances will include music for chamber ensembles, opera, orchestra, choral groups, gamelan orchestra, electronic, sound poetry, organ, mixed media, film, and more. Scholarship to be presented deals primarily with the history of women in the Western European concert music tradition, and emphasizes the accomplishments of women composers. There also will be sessions on ethnomusicological studies of women musicians of non-Western cultures, as well as sessions on jazz and gospel music.

Panel discussion topics range from "Creating Opportunities for Women Composers" to "Teaching the History of Women in Music on the College Level". Workshops will be held on publishing, the record industry, grantsmanship, and music therapy, among other topics.

The entire weekend program can be obtained by writing The First National Congress on Women in Music, New York University Department of Music and Music Education, Room 777, 35 West 4th Street, New York, N.Y. 10003. The local contact in Cleveland is Beverly Simmons, Regional Coordinator, 15706 Hazel Road, East Cleveland, Ohio 44112, 249-2759.


Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages is a national conference to be held April 4 at Yale Divinity School. Papers will address such topics as the lives and writings of key religious women of the period, medieval theological statements on women, and women's spiritual practices. For registration and complete information contact Barbara Newman, 128 Mansfield St., New Haven, CT 06511.

Registration materials are now available for the 12th National Conference en Women and the Law, to be held at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston from April 3 through April 5. The conference is the only gathering of national scope devoted to legal issues of critical importance to women. A coalition of Boston area law students and legal workers are organizing the 1981 conference. Over 160 workshops will be offered on areas such as family law, labor and employment, health, education, and women in the criminal Justice system. The conference thus provides a unique opportunity for legal professionals and community activists to exchange information and develop networks which benefit all women regardless of their profession. The deadline for pre-registration is March 7, 1981. To receive registration materials or further information, write or call: Mercedes Tompkins, 12th National Conference on Women and the Law, 207 Bay State Road, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02215; (617) 353-3399. Fees for the conference are based on a progressive scale according to income. A limited number of fee waivers are available upon request.


WomenSpace will hold its second annual media marathon Saturday, February 28. Please call 696-3100 on February 28 and pledge whatever

you can. Help us continue our work for the empowerment of women in all areas of their lives.


The F.LO.W.E.N. Fund (For Love of Wornyn Emergency Resource Fund) has been established by womyn to provide community assistance for womyn in need of emotional and financial support. Money is coming from projects developed within our womyn-identified community. Your ideas, energy and concern are urgently needed. Please address contributions * and correspondence to: The F.L.O.W.E.R. Fund, P.O. Box 3613, Akron, Ohio 44310.

'An appeal has gone out from Lucille Provero, President of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Foundation, for donations to save and preserve the Stanton home, which has been threatened by a housing development project. The foundation's goal is to raise the necessary funding lo purchase the house from alph Peters, the Seattle man who bought it last year as an interim preservation move. Tax deductible contributions may be sent to the Foundation. 32 Washington Street. Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Elizabeth Cady Stanton conceived the resolutions included in the First Women's Rights Convention **Declaration of Sentiments" July 19. 1848


* va va a



Hard Hatted Women is conducting a search for "Rosies' in the Cleveland area (see article, page 7). Anyone who knows any woman who worked in the "war industry" during World War II who would be willing to talk to us about it, please call Mary at 476-2460.

FEMINIST ISSUES N.O.W. is a radio program broadcast from 7:30 to 8:00a.m. every Sunday morning on WMMS and from 12:30 to 1:00a.m. every Friday on WZAK. Ideas are welcome. Contact Julie Patterson al 581-8281 with advertising suggestions.

The Lesbian Mothers' National Defense Fund is making the following offer to all lesbian mothers who need financial help for their custody case: You can be part of the LMNOF Third Annual Bikeathon. Womyn will be bicycling down the west and east coasts to raise money for lesbian mothers. Any pledges or donations you raise for the Bikeathon will be sent directly to your attorney, expert witness or child care worker. For more information write or call: LMNDF, P.0.Box 21567, Seattle, Washington 98111, (206) 325-2643.

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS is planning a special issue on racism and anti-semitism as they affect women and youth within the criminal justice system. You are encouraged to make a contribution to this issue, whether it be a paragraph, a poem, a graphic, an interview, or an article. If you write us, be sure to add 'ATTN: Coordinating Committee to the front of the envelope. For further information, call Stephanie at (206) 323-2215. Janice at (206) 325-8031. or Ann at (206) 325-8031. Through the Looking Glass is a collective of 15 women who do jail and prison support work. Their newsletter provides and encourages a radical analysis of different forms of incarceration, and provides space for women and youth inside to communicate with the outside and each other to try to break the isolation of those in prison.

"Women Against Men's Wars" is the tentative title of the forthcoming issue of Women's Studies International Quarterly on the topic of feminist critiques of war. Please send papers, source information and other relevant materials to Judith Stiehm, Dept. of Political Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007.

We would like to inform our sisters of the creation of a Latin American lesbian collective for the purpose of publishing an anthology dealing with our issues and concerns. We invite you to submit articles, short stories, poems or songs in either Spanish or English. The deadline for submitting material is April 30, 1981. For more information, please contact Juanita or Digna at (212) 473-6864. Materials can be mailed to: L.A.L.A. c/o D.L., 170 Avenue C, Apt. 4-H, New York City, N.Y. 10009.

Lesbian Photography Directory No. 1, an attempt to bridge the communication gap between lesbian photographers and publishers of feminist and lesbian books, journals and newspapers, is being assembled and edited by Morgan Gwenwald, a lesbian photographer whose work has appeared in many feminist publications. Womyn-born-wornyn lesbian photographers who wish to be listed in the directory should send a SASE to Morgan Gwenwald, 158 Garfield Pl. 3R, Brooklyn, NY 11215, before March 1, 1981 for more information.

Editors of Alternative Lifestyles seek researched articles on the effects of alternate lifestyles on children, parent-child dynamics in variant family forms, etc. The deadline for submission is March 31, 1981. For more information contact Larry Constantine, New England Center for Family Process, 22 Bulette Road, Acton, MA 01720; or Donna Dempster. Human Development and Family Studies. Graduate Program, Cornell University. MVR Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853.



Classified Ad Rate: $.20 per werd


Beginning black and white photography class

to start the week. of March 15. Will include film processing and printing. You must own an adjustable 35mm camera. Women only. Call Louise at 641-9481.

Housemate(s) wanted-Mother and 2 daughters want to rent chemical-free home in Lakewood. Call Jean, 941-6530, after 7 p.m. I

WANTED-Woman bass player or guitarist to complete women's rock band. Equipmení, a must.. Joye, evenings, 268-4308.

February-March, 1981/What She Wants/Page 15